Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Dead Man's Lane

Someone has dropped off a bag at the Tradmouth police station containing a skull.  DS Rachel Tracy has put it on DI Wesley Peterson’s desk because of his background in archaeology.  Who dropped it off and is it an old or modern skull?  Fingerprints on the bag point to a former criminal, and he willingly shows them where he had found the skull.  It was in the home of a killer who now resides in prison.

Later in the day, a birdwatcher discovers a body floating in a nearby lake.  Initial examination shows it to be a woman and hit appears that she was strangled.  Then an anonymous call comes in that another body had been found inside the home of an elderly man.

Both victims are quickly identified.  The woman turns out to have been the half-sister of a notorious killer who is currently in jail.  Not long after this the body of a man is found in the mud of a tidal creek.  At first it was thought to be a drowning, but stab wounds make it a very different situation.

With three deaths in a short time, can Peterson nab the killer before he strikes again?  Author Kate Ellis has a number of surprises awaiting the audience in the remaining pages.  This was another good quick read by this author, with a bit of added tension.

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