Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Mechanical Devil

DCI Gerry Heffernan and DI Wesley Peterson have been handed the case of a missing seventeen year old girl.  She abruptly left the drama school she was attending and hasn’t been heard from since.

On top of that, they have a double murder to contend with.  A man and a woman were found shot to death not far from each other in a remote rural area.  They likely have been dead for a few days.  There seems to be no connection between the pair.

Meanwhile, archeologist Dr. Neil Watson and his team have just opened a recently discovered child sized lead coffin and found a doll of sorts inside it, which seems to have mechanical clockworks inside it.

Some time later, the police have another shooting on their hands.  This time it appears to be a vicar, but why would he be living in a down and out house?  Do they have a madman in the area randomly killing people?

Author Kate Ellis has written many threads into this murder mystery, but many seem to just dangle there leaving Peterson with a dead end.  In addition, Peterson has family difficulties to deal with, which interfere with his investigation.  A good quick read.

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