Thursday, January 30, 2020

Seeking the Dead

DI Joe Plantagenet and DS Sunny Porter have an unusual double homicide to investigate.  A man and a woman have been killed in similar circumstances and left in a cemetery, their bodies naked.  The press has dubbed the killer “The Resurrectionist Man”. 

DCI Emily Thwaite is their new senior officer and she wants to get up to speed on both cases. 

Meanwhile, the daughter of Joe’s deceased former partner has moved into a flat near the cathedral.  The girl who had lived there previously had disappeared owing a months rent.  Now Carmel has received a threatening message on her answer machine and two letters addressed to the missing girl.  She asks Joe what to do.  When Joe looks at the letters, he recognises the name of a recent motor vehicle accident. 

The day after visiting Carmel, the body of the missing girl is found in a graveyard in a nearby town.  The killer has struck a third time.  The team have numerous suspects, but later when the main suspect turns out to be a victim himself, the case is turned topsy-turvy.  Where do they go with the case now?  Who could the next victim be?

Author Kate Ellis has written an excellent thriller in this new series for me.  She gives the reader a few suspects before presenting the real one in the closing pages.  A thoroughly enjoyable read and I look forward to reading the sequels.

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