Sunday, January 12, 2020


July of 1584, and the treat of plague hovers over London.  Giordano Bruno remains in the city in order to get his manuscript to a printer.  He is surprised to find that Sophia Underhill has been shadowing him for some time.  When he confronts her, she is dressed as a man and wants to be known as Kit.  Sophia has an unusual story to tell; she is wanted for the murder of her husband.  She denies any wrongdoing and wants to find the real killer.

In order to help Sophia, Bruno would have to travel to Canterbury, where the crime had occurred.  This would require the permission of the French ambassador, with whom Bruno lives, and from Walshingham, Queen Elizabeth’s master spy for whom Bruno works.

Having been given permission to travel to Canterbury with admonishment to use a different name, Bruno is not at ease because he is going to have to share his room with Sophia who travels as his boy assistant.  They will have to be careful so that no one recognises Sophia.

Bruno leaves Sophia with a Huguenot family while he stays at an inn to begin his investigation.  Firstly he must introduce himself to Walshingham’s man in Canterbury, Harry Robinson.  Robinson informs Bruno that Walshingham had sent him to Canterbury to keep a watch on the cathedral’s treasurer, Langworth.  Langworth is closely connected to Henry Howard, who was recently imprisoned for fomenting rebellion against the queen.

The day after arriving in Canterbury, Bruno discovers the murder of an apothecary whom he had visited the day before.  Why would anyone want to kill him?  Could it be connected to the murder of Sophia’s husband?

Before he knows it, Bruno is accused of the murder and jailed.  Fortunately , Robinson stands bail for him.  Now he has to prove his innocence.

Can he survive being jailed and the forthcoming court case?  There is so much against him.  Author S. J. Parris’ historical thriller is full of tension that the reader will find themselves full of tension wanting to know how Bruno will escape this.  Be prepared for surprises along the way.  This was a thoroughly enjoyable read and hard to put down.

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