Thursday, January 7, 2021

All Shall be Well

Detective Superintendent Duncan Kincaid has come home from a long night.  He finds a nurse pounding on his neighbour Jasmine’s door, but there is no answer.  After picking the lock, they enter and find her dead.  Shortly after, her home care lady arrives.  She tells them that Jasmine had wanted to commit suicide before her health gave way. Kincaid realises that he now has to order a post mortem.

Later that day, Kincaid meets Jasmine’s brother, Theo.  Theo tells him that they were going to meet at the weekend.  He invites his DS, Gemma James to help him go through the flat of Jasmine.  He is sure that Jasmine hadn’t committed suicide.

The post mortem report indicates a lethal amount of morphine in Jasmine’s system.  Having heard from Jasmine’s lawyer about the beneficiaries of her will, Kincaid and Gemma have a few possible suspects for murder, if it was such.

As their investigation progresses, each suspect has a solid alibi.  Maybe it was suicide after all.  But, how?

Author Deborah Crombie has created a plot that gives the reader sympathy for the victim, yet at the same time understanding of the victim’s situation.  Crombie presents the conclusion as a surprise.  A good, quick read.  I am looking forward to reading the sequels.

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