Saturday, January 23, 2021


Saladin and thirty thousand Saracens are advancing north from Egypt.  Despite being outnumbered, Baudouin, King of Jerusalem,  decides to launch an attack.  Templar knight Mark is against it, while his compatriot, Rannulf is in support of it.  The Christians won a decisive battle, but it was costly for Rannulf because his friend Mark died as a result.

Back in Jerusalem, the new Marshall of the Templars, Gerard de Ridford accuses him of behaviour unbecoming the Templars.  Some men call for combat between the two, however Odo Saint-Amand offers them the chance for combat or the shaking of hands. Rannulf says that he can’t fight a soldier of Jesus, and offers his hand.  Fortunately, Ridford accepts it.  Later, the Preceptor, German de Montoya warns Rannulf to not trust Ridford.

Later in the year, the Saracens attack again.  This time the Templars are not so lucky.  They lose many men.  Following the battle, Rannulf is left in charge simply because he has been a Templar the longest.  Back in Jerusalem, Rannulf is made commander of the city.  Also in the city at this time is another group of knights under a man by the name of Kerak.  His knights are at odds with the Templars.

Some time after this, it would appear that the Saracens had retreated to Damascus.  The king king decides to offer a truce.  At the same time he tells his sister, Sibylla, that he is going to offer her hand in marriage to a prince from Europe if he leads a crusade and defeats the Saracens.  Rannulf is part of the delegation sent to Damascus.  Due to the plague in the city, a three year truce is agreed upon.

When the king dies from leprosy, he is replaced by his six year old nephew.  What follows is the fight to control Jerusalem.  What will the outcome be?  Who will be the ultimate winner and how many must die before the final outcome?

Author Cecilia Holland has taken the historical facts of this time period in the Middle East and written a powerful story, full of intrigue, battles, plague and treachery.  This was a thoroughly enjoyable read.

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