Tuesday, January 26, 2021

The Pilgrim of Hate

Spring of 1141 and the Bishop of Winchester has gathered his clergy together.  They are to make a decision with regards to the imprisoned King Stephen.  Basically the Bishop declares that his brother has made decisions that go against God, and the clergy must support Empress Maud.  However, the City of London is hesitant to let Maud in so that she can be crowned.

Mid-June was when the abbey at Shrewsbury celebrated Saint Winifred.  Many people would make the pilgrimage to honour her.  One of the pilgrims is Alice Weaver.  She’s in charge of her nephew and niece who are orphaned.  The nephew has an issue with one of his legs, and Alice hopes that the saint will help him.  Meantime she has come to Cadfael for something to relieve the pain that the lad is experiencing.  Once Cadfael examines Rhun, he feels that he might be able to help the lad.

Brother Adam has also come on pilgrimage. Like Cadfael, he has a herbarium, so they spend time together.  Adam warns Cadfael of one pilgrim, whom he feels could be a pickpocket and trickster.  Cadfael will share the warning with Sheriff Hugh Beringar.

The day before the celebration, one of the pilgrims is robbed of a very special ring.  Everyone who attended mass with the man showed his or her possessions, but none had the missing ring.  Others discover that they too, had been robbed.  Beringar plans a nighttime raid on the miscreants, but three of them escape his clutches.  The missing ring is found on the hand of a local goldsmith.  He thought that he had honestly bought it.

That same night, an envoy comes from the queen-elect.  Olivier de Bretagne asks Beringar to pledge allegiance to her, but understands when his refused.   Beringar maintains his loyalty to King Stephen.  Bretagne is also in search of a man who is to become heir of a murdered knight.  Could the missing man be a killer?  And what of Maud and the City of London?  

Author Ellis Peters’ mystery presents a killer, and a story of love.  Which will overcome the other?  Cadfael is hard pressed to solve this situation and author Peters doesn’t present the killer until late in the story.  A good, enjoyable read.

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