Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Dead Man’s Ransom

1141, and King Stephen has been taken prisoner at the Battle of Lincoln.  His is turned over to his rival, the Empress Maud.  Also missing at the battle is Gilbert, Sheriff of Shropshire.  His deputy Hugh Beringar will have to take his place for now.  Not long after the battle, Sister Magdalen comes to visit Cadfael’s abbey.  However, her prime concern is to meet with Hugh.

She informs them that her priory had been threatened by a Welsh party following the battle at Lincoln.  They were returning home and hoped to plunder the priory.  However, the local men helped stave off the attack.  They also captured one of the Welshmen.  Sister Magdalen wants Hugh to come and take custody of the man.

The following day, Hugh comes to Cadfael to ask him to attend a wound the prisoner had suffered.  He claims to know know English, so Hugh wants Cadfael to gain some knowledge from the prisoner without him knowing that he knows Welsh.  It turns out that the prisoner is a cousin of Prince Owain Gwynedd.  Hugh thinks that he can exchange the lad for his sheriff.

Elis ap Cynan is an agreeable prisoner, and Cadfael sets out to get to know him.  Hugh also has work for Cadfael.  He sends him to Wales to arrange an exchange of prisoners. However, will Elis want the exchange to go ahead now that he has seen the beautiful Melicent, daughter of the sheriff?

At the home of Tudur ap Rhys, Cadfael meets Cristina, who is affianced to Elis, and his best friend Eliud.  It doesn’t take long for Cadfael to realise that there is more to the relationship of these three friends.

An exchange is agreed upon.  Later, the sheriff is brought to the abbey because he had been grievously wounded during the battle.  Unfortunately, that same day, the sheriff is dead.  Einon ab Ithel, who had brought the sheriff now declares the exchange null and void.  A dead man can not be exchanged for a live one.  Upon examining the body, Cadfael declares that he had been murdered!  Who entered the infirmary and killed the sheriff?

When it is found out that Elis had been in the sheriff’s room, Millicent immediately denounced him as the murderer.  How can Cadfael prove his innocence?  He and Hugh begin their search for the killer by examining the body.  Cadfael discovers threads in the nostrils and mouth of the dead man.  They point to a killer wearing expensive clothes.

One possible suspect disappears, however Cadfael doesn’t have much faith in him being much of a true suspect.  However, Hugh has to search for him.  And yet, that search is suspended when a threat comes to the north.  Hugh has to take soldiers to the north to work in concert with Prince Owain.   Cadfael will have to investigate on his own.

What will he find?  Are more deaths imminent?  Author Ellis Peters’ historical mystery is more a story of star crossed lovers than one of murder.  The killer comes as a surprise and justice is served.  A good quick read.

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