Saturday, February 20, 2021

A Season of Knives

Is Sir Robert Carey wanting a bribe for the victuals at the castle in Carlisle, or is he wanting to take over the contract himself.  He has the men who are currently in charge of the contract unsettled.

Carey also has heard that reivers are preparing to possibly kidnap Elizabeth Widdrington as she returns to her home.  What can he do, since he has no men available.  They are busy bringing in the hay.  However, he is able to assemble a small group of soldiers and ride out, hoping to prevent a catastrophe.

While Carey is away dealing with the men who would attack Elizabeth, his man Barnabus, is thrown into the dungeon at Carlisle Castle, accused of murder.  Richard Lowther, the man who wanted the job that Carey now has, is the man behind the accusation.  What can Carey do to prevent his own neck being put in a noose?

Things are thrown into disarray when the lover of the murdered man’s wife confesses, and then moments later she also confesses.  With two confessions, which he knows are both lord, how will Carey get at the truth?

Author P. F. Chisholm has Carey come to the truth in an unusual way.  It will prove to be a costly way, but the truth will out.  A good, quick read.

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