Sunday, February 14, 2021

Crimson Rose

Will Shakespeare has a bit part in One of Kit Marlowe’s plays.  He is to fire a gun.  Unbeknownst to him, the gun is loaded with shot, and he kills a member of the audience; in fact his own landlady!

Hugh Thynne, High Constable of London immediately began an investigation.  He arrests Shakespeare and takes him to the Clink.  Marlowe thinks all will be well in time.  He begins his own investigation by questioning Shakespeare in jail.  He then bribes the jailer to let him take Shakespeare out of the Clink.

Recreating the shooting, Marlowe determines that Shakespeare couldn’t have shot the woman.  However, it isn’t long before Thynne is after Marlowe, himself.  A man has been murdered and Marlowe’s knife was found lodged in his back.

How will Marlowe get out of this mess?  Author M. J. Trow’s thriller has several adventures ahead for Marlowe and Shakespeare.  Trow presents a surprising conclusion and hints of more adventures to come for Marlowe.   A good, enjoyable, fun, and quick read.

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