Friday, February 26, 2021

The Back Road

Tom Douglas has left the Met and moved to Cheshire so that he could be near his eight year old daughter, Lucy.  He is on the hunt for a new job, preferably not in policing.  His friend Steve has dropped by on his way home, and informs him of a hit and run on the nearby back road.  A fourteen year old girl was run down.  She’s in a coma, and the doctors are unsure whether she will make it.

That same evening, Tom was invited to a dinner party by neighbours who had just finished renovating their home.  There are about a dozen guests, which will allow Tom to get to know his new community.  Things go well until talk turns to the girl involved in the hit and run.  Alcohol fuels various discussions afterwards.

Several days later, the mother of the injured girl tells one of the ICU nurses that her daughter had made a new friend on Facebook, who was going to be coming to school for the coming year.  She also tells the nurse that the police have found out that the friend didn’t exist!  It is now known that the victim had been abducted!

As the mystery progresses, author Rachel Abbott, tells stories about each of the dinner guests.  The reader wonders which of them was the driver of the car, and who was responsible for the abduction.  The ending will come as a surprise for the reader.  Quite a good read and a real page turner.  This was a book, which I found hard to put down.  I look forward to reading the sequels.

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