Thursday, February 4, 2021

Murder on the Lake

Skelgill is out attempting to fish on Derwentwater during a bit of a blow without having any luck.  He pulls into the lee of Grisholm, a small islet.  There he sees a woman who calls for help.  She is with eight others on a writing retreat.  One of their company has died and they have no method of communication.

Having met with the rest of the people inside the building on the islet, he finds that they have no idea how the man died other than a possible heart attack.  He returns to the dock to retrieve his phone and flashlight from his boat, only to find that it is gone!

Fortunately the following morning the boat is found and DS Leyton and DS Jones both arrive with help to rescue the stranded crew.  However, they find that a woman is dead from amongst the group.  They now have two dead bodies.

Back at the office, Leyton informs Skelgill that there is no organisation that supposedly put the retreat together.  There seems to be more questions than answers as they look into the deaths.  A trip to London by Skelgill and his two sergeants discovers basically nothing.  However, an incident in London results in Skelgill being put on leave.

How will the cases be resolved now?  Author Bruce Beckham has provided a good number of suspects in this mystery, and surprisingly the solution will come as the result of a fishing expedition.  Another quite enjoyable and entertaining read.

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