Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Rough Collier

Lawyer Gil Cunningham has come to visit his mother with his new bride, Alys.  Unfortunately his hopes for a restful time with family and friends are not to be as he is shortly requested to check out a newly discovered body.

A body has been found in the peat diggings on nearby land.  The skin has turned leathery and the hair is red.  The local priest claims it is the body of a man who has been threatened by a woman he claims is a witch.  He still claims this when it is proven that the body has all of its fingers, unlike that of the man he claims it to be.

His claim is furthered when it is discovered that the man has been missing for five weeks.  The missing man works at a nearby coal mine and had been off to gather payments for coal.  Now Gil and Alys have to search for him and what could be the cause of his disappearance.  Has he taken the money and run?  At the same time they need to protect the reputation of the woman accused of being a witch.  All of the colliers believe that she isn't because she has healed so many of their ailments.

Surprising discoveries are made and secrets revealed during Gil's investigation.  Once again author Pat McIntosh does a good job of taking us to 15th century Scotland. 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Before the Poison

Chris Lowndes has returned to England after a successful career as a composer of movie music in California.  He has purchased a house outside of Richmond, Yorkshire.  Shortly after he moves into the house, he discovers that it once housed a murderess.  He sets out to find out her story, and as he searches into her life he gets a gut feeling that she hadn't actually committed the murder.

Author Peter Robinson tells the modern story of Chris' search interspersed with excerpts from the trial of Grace Fox and her personal journal.  He meets with local people who tell him bits of the story, and in order to find out more about her he has to travel to Paris and South Africa.

Robinson is good at leading the reader down the garden path; the reader says "Ah ha!  So, that is what really happened." only to find out that you need to follow Robinson down another path with much the same conclusion until the very end of the story when he reveals the truth.

Well written, "Before the Poison" grasps the reader by the hand and holds your attention throughout.  No wonder Peter Robinson is one of my favourite authors.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Season of Darkness

It is the summer of 1940; the Phoney War has come to an end, Britain is under seige, her army has successfully retreated from Dunkirk.  German citizens in Britain have been rounded up and put into camps both for their protection and due to the fear that they could be fifth columnists.

Because so many men have joined the army, women have taken up many of their jobs, including farming.  Young women have joined the Land Army to help farm.  Unfortunately, one young lass, on her way home from a late night rendevous is knocked off her bicycle.  She is found later at the side of the road shot to death; a German Luger beside her body.

Nearby, in rural Shropshire, is one of the camps where male Germans are incarcerated.  Is one of them responsible?  Or is there a German parachutist loose somewhere in the countryside?  Inspector Tom Tyler and his small constabulary are tasked to sort out this murder.  His own personal and family issues will affect his search for the culprit.

Author Maureen Jennings has taken a break from her Murdoch mystery series to give us a good thriller from England in the throes of World War II.

Monday, January 23, 2012

St. Mungo's Robin

Gilbert Cunningham's wedding is drawing close, and he fears that his fiance, Alys Mason is getting cold feet.  These thoughts will distract him through the forthcoming investigation.

The deacon of a bedehouse (where elderly gentlemen are cared for) has been found dead, stabbed in the chest, in the yard of the bedehouse in the morning.  As Gil and his friend Pierre Mason examine the body, they notice that rigor has set into the body, so it is likely that the murder occurred quite some time earlier.  They also notice that there are markings on the cheek of the victim indicating that he had been killed elsewhere and moved to the location where he was found.

Evidence gathered points to a friend of Gil's, but Gil is hard put to accept this.  As he continues his investigation and gathers more evidence and witness statements he is able to prove otherwise and show that there was another murderer.

During the investigation another murder will occur, plus what appears to be a suicide, but could be an attempted murder of a man in the bedehouse who is delusional.

Set in the 15th century city of Glasgow, author Pat McIntosh weaves a good tale, helping the reader to feel that they are there.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Snow Angels

North of the Arctic Circle in Finland, the sun doesn't rise during the winter months, the snow is deep and the temperatures are cold.  James Thompson takes us there in this murder mystery.

The naked, mutilated body of a young Somalian woman is found in the snow outside town and Kari has to investigate.  When the autopsy is performed, it is found through DNA, that three different men could have been involved.  One is the partner of Kari's ex-wife, the other a convicted paedophile, and the third an unknown man.

Kari's investigation will lead to further deaths and agony for him and those around him.

Thompson's novel is fast paced and a very good read.  I highly recommend it.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Pirate King

Laurie R. King's latest novel starts out in a very convoluted fashion as she sets the scene for another Russell and Holmes mystery.  She is asked by Holmes' brother Mycroft to try and find out why Fflytte Films seems to be followed by some sort of criminal behaviour following the production of its films; guns distributed after one film about guns and cocaine after one about drugs.

Fflytte Films latest effort is a movie about a movie being made about the Pirates of Penzanze.  Russell is hired on as an executive assistant through the machinations of Mycroft Holmes.  She finds herself in charge of actors on their way to Lisbon and Morocco where it is hoped by the producer that swarthy characters can be hired to play the role of the pirates.  Little do Russell and Fflytte know, they have hired real Moroccan pirates for the roles.  This leads to the abduction of the whole film crew.

How will Russell get them all out of the mess that Fflytte films finds themselves in now?

If you can get through the first hundred pages of Laurie R. King setting the stage for the mystery, it is a good read in the end.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Merchant's Mark

Gil Cunningham and his friend Augie Morison are expecting a small barrel of books from the low countries.  When they open the barrel, they discover that it contains brine, a man's head and treasure that rightfully belongs to the king!

In a quick azzize court Augie is committed for murder and taken to the castle for safety's sake.  Gil's sister Kate comes to Augie's place to help mind his household and two daughters.  Meantime Gil and his friend Pierre Mason begin the hunt for the books and the murderer.  While they are away someone breaks into Morison's house and is captured by Kate and her guardian.  Unfortunately he is murdered by an unknown person before he can be turned over to the local justice.

While Gil is in his search he is attacked by a band of brigands, one of whom is wielding an axe.  They are intent on getting what they think is further treasure in Gil's saddlebags.  This will lead to further death.

Who is so intent on getting their hands on the king's treasure?  It is up to Gil and his friends to solve this mystery and provide the information to the king.

A good tale by author Pat McIntosh.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Author Liza Marklund has the reader right from the get go with this story.  It is written as a prequel to her first novel, "Red Wolf".

Annika Bengtzon is a rookie reporter at a major Stockholm tabloid when a body is discovered in a cemetery in Stockholm.  Her investigation into the murder will lead her into discovering much more than anyone suspects.

A minister within the government is accused of the murder.  A receipt showing that he was in the club where the girl worked the night of her murder is brought forward as evidence.  However, Annika's investigation proves that this could not be the case as he was actually out of the country at the time!  However the minister resigns.  What could he have been doing that would cause him to resign due to the accusation of murder?  Annika's investigation also shows that the owner of the club is the culprit, but how can she get the police and the press to believe her?  Her job is in jeopardy as a result.

This is a fast paced, action filled book.  I could not put it down and I am looking forward to the next in the series.

Blood Red

This is the first of the Primavera Blackstone series that I have read.  It took until about halfway through the book before any action began.  Up until that time, author Quintin Jardine, quietly and slowly set the scene for what would turn out to be a double murder.

Primavera Blackstone lives in a small Spanish town.  She is friends with a man who wants to host a wine fair in the town square.  Unfortunately he can't get permission from town council due to one obstinate older gentleman on town council.  Primavera visits this gentleman, who is a realtor, with another friend on the pretense of finding an apartment.  A heated argument ensues.

Shortly thereafter the old fellow is found dead.  Initially it was assumed to have been an accident, then evidence points to murder.  At first Primavera's friend is accused, but when the British embassy steps in on his part, she becomes the prime suspect.  Later, when the body of the Mayor's mother is found in her house, byPrimavera, she needs to escape in order to prove her innocence.  The local priest, whom she is friends with, aids her in her escape to his place in Granada.  From there, she must set out to prove her innocence.

A good read, but unfortunately I could tell that the author was a male trying to be the female narrator, Primavera.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Nicholas Feast

Gil Cunningham and the members of Glasgow University are preparing for the Nicholas Feast.  Part of the feast is a play put on by the students.  One student stomps out before the play ends, not happy with his part.  He is later found strangled to death in the coal storage room.  The Dean of the university requests Gil to investigate.

During the ensuing investigation Gil is attacked by three masked men.  Fortunately he survives with minor injuries, but papers he had found have been taken from him.  Quite surprisingly they are returned to him later.  Gil and his friend Pierre Mason discover that the murder victim had been gleaning information on various people at the university and then extorting him.  Is this the reason for his death?

Not long after, the university gatekeeper is also murdered.  Is his death tied to the death of the aforementioned student?  Papers of the student were found burning in his brazier when his body was discovered.

Gil is put under pressure by Lord Montgomery, a relative of the victim.  If Gil doesn't discover the murderer by the time of the funeral, Montgomery will take the law into his own hands.

It is a surprise ending when the reader finally finds out who the culprit really is.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

A Deadly Penance

A child is born.  It's birth is kept secret from all who know the mother.  When the child is a grown man he wants to know who his father is.  He imagines that it is Lionheart ~ King Richard because he has a ring with Lionheart's emblem on it.

In his quest to find his father, he finds himself in Lincoln where he takes as a lover the wife of the head of the guild of furriers.  One night, when the guild leaders of Lincoln are at the castle for a meal with the castellan, the couple sneak away for an amorous rendezvous.  Afterwards, hearing a voice calling his name he follows it onto the ramparts where he is brutally murdered by someone using the castellan's crossbow; a crossbow meant for a woman.  A waif sees the murderer on the way to commit the crime.  That waif is under the care of the castellan and is taken out of Lincoln to a place where he and other foundlings will learn trades.

Bascot de Marins is requested to investigate.  During the investigation he discovers a number of things about the townsfolk of Lincoln that might point towards the murderer.  The waif returns to Lincoln in search of his father.  When he is found he is taken to the castle where he fears for his life.  Meantime, the maid of the castellan's niece is brutally stabbed in the streets of Lincoln.  Is that because she knows too much?

As de Marins returns to the castle shortly after the stabbing, he realises who the murderer is and he must hurry before further murders occur.

Book Six in the "Alehouse Murders" is a quick, but good read.  Author Maureen Ash maintains your interest throughout.