Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Rough Collier

Lawyer Gil Cunningham has come to visit his mother with his new bride, Alys.  Unfortunately his hopes for a restful time with family and friends are not to be as he is shortly requested to check out a newly discovered body.

A body has been found in the peat diggings on nearby land.  The skin has turned leathery and the hair is red.  The local priest claims it is the body of a man who has been threatened by a woman he claims is a witch.  He still claims this when it is proven that the body has all of its fingers, unlike that of the man he claims it to be.

His claim is furthered when it is discovered that the man has been missing for five weeks.  The missing man works at a nearby coal mine and had been off to gather payments for coal.  Now Gil and Alys have to search for him and what could be the cause of his disappearance.  Has he taken the money and run?  At the same time they need to protect the reputation of the woman accused of being a witch.  All of the colliers believe that she isn't because she has healed so many of their ailments.

Surprising discoveries are made and secrets revealed during Gil's investigation.  Once again author Pat McIntosh does a good job of taking us to 15th century Scotland. 

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