Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Pirate King

Laurie R. King's latest novel starts out in a very convoluted fashion as she sets the scene for another Russell and Holmes mystery.  She is asked by Holmes' brother Mycroft to try and find out why Fflytte Films seems to be followed by some sort of criminal behaviour following the production of its films; guns distributed after one film about guns and cocaine after one about drugs.

Fflytte Films latest effort is a movie about a movie being made about the Pirates of Penzanze.  Russell is hired on as an executive assistant through the machinations of Mycroft Holmes.  She finds herself in charge of actors on their way to Lisbon and Morocco where it is hoped by the producer that swarthy characters can be hired to play the role of the pirates.  Little do Russell and Fflytte know, they have hired real Moroccan pirates for the roles.  This leads to the abduction of the whole film crew.

How will Russell get them all out of the mess that Fflytte films finds themselves in now?

If you can get through the first hundred pages of Laurie R. King setting the stage for the mystery, it is a good read in the end.

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