Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Merchant's Mark

Gil Cunningham and his friend Augie Morison are expecting a small barrel of books from the low countries.  When they open the barrel, they discover that it contains brine, a man's head and treasure that rightfully belongs to the king!

In a quick azzize court Augie is committed for murder and taken to the castle for safety's sake.  Gil's sister Kate comes to Augie's place to help mind his household and two daughters.  Meantime Gil and his friend Pierre Mason begin the hunt for the books and the murderer.  While they are away someone breaks into Morison's house and is captured by Kate and her guardian.  Unfortunately he is murdered by an unknown person before he can be turned over to the local justice.

While Gil is in his search he is attacked by a band of brigands, one of whom is wielding an axe.  They are intent on getting what they think is further treasure in Gil's saddlebags.  This will lead to further death.

Who is so intent on getting their hands on the king's treasure?  It is up to Gil and his friends to solve this mystery and provide the information to the king.

A good tale by author Pat McIntosh.

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