Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Season of Darkness

It is the summer of 1940; the Phoney War has come to an end, Britain is under seige, her army has successfully retreated from Dunkirk.  German citizens in Britain have been rounded up and put into camps both for their protection and due to the fear that they could be fifth columnists.

Because so many men have joined the army, women have taken up many of their jobs, including farming.  Young women have joined the Land Army to help farm.  Unfortunately, one young lass, on her way home from a late night rendevous is knocked off her bicycle.  She is found later at the side of the road shot to death; a German Luger beside her body.

Nearby, in rural Shropshire, is one of the camps where male Germans are incarcerated.  Is one of them responsible?  Or is there a German parachutist loose somewhere in the countryside?  Inspector Tom Tyler and his small constabulary are tasked to sort out this murder.  His own personal and family issues will affect his search for the culprit.

Author Maureen Jennings has taken a break from her Murdoch mystery series to give us a good thriller from England in the throes of World War II.

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