Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Nicholas Feast

Gil Cunningham and the members of Glasgow University are preparing for the Nicholas Feast.  Part of the feast is a play put on by the students.  One student stomps out before the play ends, not happy with his part.  He is later found strangled to death in the coal storage room.  The Dean of the university requests Gil to investigate.

During the ensuing investigation Gil is attacked by three masked men.  Fortunately he survives with minor injuries, but papers he had found have been taken from him.  Quite surprisingly they are returned to him later.  Gil and his friend Pierre Mason discover that the murder victim had been gleaning information on various people at the university and then extorting him.  Is this the reason for his death?

Not long after, the university gatekeeper is also murdered.  Is his death tied to the death of the aforementioned student?  Papers of the student were found burning in his brazier when his body was discovered.

Gil is put under pressure by Lord Montgomery, a relative of the victim.  If Gil doesn't discover the murderer by the time of the funeral, Montgomery will take the law into his own hands.

It is a surprise ending when the reader finally finds out who the culprit really is.

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