Sunday, February 5, 2012

Twelve Drummers Drumming

It is a lovely day in the English village of Thornford.  Newly appointed vicar Tom Christmas and his young daughter are enjoying the May Fayre.  Father Christmas, as he is affectionately known, came to this small village because the former vicar has disappeared.  Part of the entertainment for the May Fayre are to be a set of 12 Japanese drums, one of which is quite huge.  While Miranda is showing her father the artistic, photographic styled quilts on display, an argument ensues amongst some of the drummers about the drums.  One is discovered to have been slashed.  Stuffed inside it is discovered the body of a young woman.

From there, the mystery becomes more entangled.  When a grave is opened for the young woman's interment a body is discovered and it turns out to be the body of the missing vicar!  This sleepy little English village isn't so sleepy as once supposed.  Due to the police being busy with the investigation of the murder the theft of a computer and camera are set aside for the time being.  However, Tom thinks that the computer and camera could hold key clues as to whom the murderer is; especially when it is realised that the photographer and the murdered young woman look the same from behind!

This is the first novel of author C. C. Benison I have read, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.  I am going to look for other works of his.

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