Monday, February 20, 2012

The Last Kashmiri Rose

Commander Joe Sandilands has been sent to India to talk to the police there.  He hates the heat and is hoping to get back to England as soon as possible.  Unfortunately his trip home is delayed when the governor of Bengal province asks for his assistance.  The governor's niece is the one who has specially requested his help.  Her friend has been found brutally murdered in her bath, but it has been made to look like a suicide; her wrists have been slashed.

When Sandilands gets to Panikhat he discovers that four other women have died in suspicious circumstances.  Each of their deaths occurred in March.  As Sandilands investigates further he is able to piece together evidence that points to the possibility that each of their deaths is not an accident.  Could they possibly be tied together?

Author Barbara Cleverly manages to keep the reader quite involved throughout this thriller.

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