Monday, February 27, 2012

The Various Haunts of Men

Author Susan Hill throws numerous characters at you right from the start in "The Various Haunts of Men" and it takes some time for the reader to sort them out in your mind.  In addition, there is 'The Tape', which is full of confessions that don't seem to be related to the story at all.

As you settle in to the book you discover that a woman has gone missing.  DS Freya Graffham, new to the local police force, is given the task of locating her.  Shortly thereafter a young woman, whom we readers have met earlier, also goes missing.  Is her disappearance related to her having gone to one of the 'complementary healers'?  Or is it tied to the other missing woman?

As DS Graffham settles in to her new community she meets many of the characters we had been introduced to earlier including DCI Simon Serrailler and his sister Dr. Deerbon.  Both have minor roles to play in the story as it enfolds.

As DS Graffham proceeds with her investigation, ably helped by DC Nathan Coates, the reader gets to discover the personality of the many characters in the story.  It isn't until well toward the end of the story that we discover the cause of the disappearance of the women.  The climax of the story is a complete surprise to the reader.  I highly recommend this book and look forward to reading the next one by author Susan Hill.

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