Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Road to Jerusalem

"The Road to Jerusalem" is the first book in a trilogy by author Jan Guillou.

Arn Magnusson is a typical five year old.  He scampers about after his older brother, but one day that would lead to a bit of bravado and a fall.  A fall that knocked the life out of him.  His mother and father prayed to St. Bernard that if Arn's life would be spared he would be given up to the work of God.  His life was spared and as a result Arn was sent to an abbey.

There he learned the words of God and the joys of learning.  He also learned how to forge horseshoes and look after an abatoir, prepare foods and ensure that the place stayed healthy.  His learning also included sword play and the accurate use of a bow and arrow.

By his mid-teens he was sent back into the base world.  He was very naive of the ways of those who didn't live the holy life, but he soon learned them.  He became involved in fights that would lead to the possible crowning of a new king.  He also learned that women existed to be loved by men.

Unfortunately these new things that he learned were regarded as sins by the church and that in turn would create troubles for him with the church.  At that point the author leaves us hanging in anticipation of the next book in this trilogy, and I am looking forward to reading it.

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