Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A Bitter Truth

Bess Crawford has just come home from France on leave.  It is a rainy, cold evening in London as she returns to her flat.  Just outside her residence she bumps into a young woman who is shivering from the cold.  She invites the young woman, Lydia, into her home to get warm.  This chance meeting will set in motion the latest thriller that Bess is to become involved in.

Lydia has been struck across the face by her husband and she has run away to London.  She reluctantly decides to return home, but only if Bess will accompany her.  When the two arrive at Lydia's home they discover that a dinner is going to be held in memory of Lydia's brother-in-law who died as a result of wounds on the Western Front.  That evening one of the men, in a bit of a drunken stupor, questions Lydia's husband about a possible love child in France.  That man is to die shortly thereafter, murdered; by someone at the house?

Bess returns to her work in France having been asked by Lydia to search for the love child.  Little does she know that she will soon be back in England furthering the inquiry into the death of another man whose death might be related to the first.

Author Charles Todd twists the plot every which way before all is revealed near the end of the book.  A good read, quite enjoyable.

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