Sunday, December 29, 2013

Pilgrim Soul

Douglas Brodie, a reporter for the Glasgow Gazette and former policeman, has been asked by a group of Jewish Glaswegian businessmen to investigate nine robberies that have recently happened in their community.  The police just don't have the manpower nor resources to put enough time into the investigation.

A little bit of snooping about and Brodie finds the name of the thief.  Little does he know that the thief will get caught breaking into another house and end up being knifed to death.  When Brodie speaks to the thief killer, he wonders about the man; where does all the anger come from?  The next day Brodie's source of information is brutally murdered.

A surprise development occurs when a young woman walks into the newspaper office asking to speak to Brodie.  She brings him news of gold that originated in the death camps of Germany.  Shortly after that the thief killer is killed as is the young woman who had brought the news of the gold.

Brodie is informed by his Jewish friends that the thief killer was actually a guard from Treblinka.  Now they want to catch other Nazis like him with the aid of Brodie.  MI5 also wants his help, so he is called up and sent to Hamburg.

What Brodie experiences in Hamburg saps his strength both physically and mentally.  He does discover a way that the Nazis are getting out and to South America, but now a stop to it must be made.

Author Gordon Ferris has written an exciting thriller, based on real and fictional events.  I found it hard to put this book down.

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