Thursday, December 26, 2013

Stettin Station

November 1941, and John Russell has been given the opportunity to watch trains loaded with Jews leaving Berlin for places in the east like Lodz in Poland.  What can he do with the information?  Nothing.  He comes to the realisation that he needs to get himself and his girlfriend, Effi out of Germany.

Knowing that the United States is likely going to be drawn into the war, Admiral Canaris offers Russell a job working for him, but based in Switzerland.  There is a condition attached to the position; Russell must make a secret trip to Prague on Canaris' behalf.

Later, after he has returned to Berlin, Russell is told by a friend in the police that the Gestapo are looking for him.  He knows that he has to get out.  Effi plans to go with him; she has disguises available, but no papers.  They go into hiding not knowing that Japan has attacked Pearl Harbour.

Russell and Effi manage to escape Berlin, but the ship that was supposed to take them out of Germany is torpedoed before it gets to Germany.  In addition, the cell that helped them escape from Berlin had been compromised, it would only be a matter of time before they were found.

Author David Downing puts a lot of tension and excitement into this World War II thriller.  A very good read, one you won't want to put down.

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