Sunday, December 8, 2013

The One Thing More

The vote has been taken, the king is to die; he only has three days to live.  The French Revolution is well under way.  However, a man by the name of Bernave has different ideas.  He wants to save the king and allow him to live out the remainder of his days as a normal person.  He has Celie Laurent and others to help him.  The question is, how to accomplish it.

Joseph Briard has offered to replace the king, sacrificing his life in the king's place.  Bernave's plans are limited to only a few.  Unfortunately Bernave is killed when members of the Paris Mob break into his house.  Citizen Menou, who is investigating the murder, is sure that someone living in the house is the culprit, and he wants to ensure that that person goes to the guillotine.

Celie is determined that the plan must go ahead.  She has to convince the other co-conspirators to continue with the plan, and ensure that Bernave left nothing behind that could show Citizen Menou their plans.  Can they succeed in the face of the strength of revolutionary leaders like Robespierre, Danton or Marat?  The death of the king would surely mean that the monarchies of Europe would then attack France.

Anne Perry has brought the early days of the French Revolution to life in this historical novel.  Having taught this topic for many years, I found it to be a very good read.

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