Friday, December 27, 2013

Suspicious Minds

Harry Devlin has been serving as John Stirrup's lawyer for some time, so it comes as a bit of a surprise when he has to sit in during an interrogation of the man because his wife has gone missing.  Devlin wants to know who has been stirring the police interest in this missing person.

Meantime, the area is being threatened by "The Beast", a man who has been raping young blonde women.  His attacks have been growing in intensity.  It is not long after this that Stirrup calls Devlin in a panic; his daughter Claire has disappeared.

Later Claire's body is found in a cave.  She had been raped and then strangled.  Claire's boyfriend has gone missing, too.  When Devlin catches up with him, he is in for a few surprises.  Later, Devlin's private investigator finds out that Stirrup's wife is alive and well.  This provides Devlin with more surprises.  How is he to handle them?

Author Martin Edwards is full of surprises in this murder mystery.  A good, quick read.

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