Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Last Caesar

Aulus Caecina Alienus has decided to write about the history of the Roman Empire as he experienced it.  After serving in Britannica, helping to put down the revolt of Boudicca, Caecina becomes the quaestor in the city of Corduba, in the province of Baetica.

It isn't long before Caecina finds himself involved in a plot to overthrow Nero.  He is tasked with convincing Agricola and Vindex, two important governors to support the rebellion.  He finds that Vindex Has plenty of men, but they have no training, so he sets about doing that.  Which army will they have to take on first?  The army of the Rhine or the Italian?  Caecina hopes that negotiations will prevent war, but Vindex has other ideas.  After a battle, it is learned that Nero has been asked to step down by the Senate.  Will Galba become the new emperor?  In his aspirations to become so, he appoints Caecina to lead a legion in Gaul.

Caecina averts a number of potential diasters for the new emperor.  But shortly afterwards, Galba accuses him of fraud, planning on summoning him to Rome for punishment.  Caecina is naturally shocked at this treatment.  What must he do to save his own skin?

Author Henry Venmore-Rowland has written a very good historical novel of Roman times involving lots of action and betrayal.  A good read.

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