Tuesday, February 11, 2014

1914 ~ A Novel

Anthime is out for a bicycle ride in the Loire region on a warm Saturday August afternoon.   When he stops to take a breather atop a hill he sees semaphores waving in several towns, and then hears bells.  It can only mean one thing; mobilisation!  Charles, a man he knows in his town tells him the war will only last a couple of weeks.

The next day Anthime and four of his friends arrive at the barracks to get outfitted.  It isn't long before Anthime and his friends are bound for the Ardennes. Meantime back home, Blanche goes to the doctor to get confirmation that she is pregnant.  The doctor is also someone who could have influence and put the father of her child in a safe position during the war.

The men marched about, with their packs, through villages, some destroyed, and others still with people in them.  Charles, it seems, has disappeared on a top secret mission.  The first battle is mind numbing, and it isn't long before the two sides settle down into trenches facing each other,

In this very short novel, author Jean Echinoz vividly describes the horrors of the First World War.  A quick, intense, good read.

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