Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Dead Man's Wharf

Inspector Andy Horton and Sergeant Barney Cantelli have been called to a nursing residence to quell a disturbance.  While there Horton discovers that the basement locker of a recently deceased patient has been forced.  Horton now wonders about the death of the patient.  He calls the mortuary only to find out that the son of the patient had just died; he was a prisoner at Her Majesty's prison.  Are the deaths connected?

Horton is surprised when his superior, DCI Lorraine Bliss, is seconded to headquarters and he is given temporary command plus a DC to help him out.  He wonders what is going on.  The young woman DC makes him more suspicious when she arrive the next morning.

Horton receives another surprise when he is told that the victim of a drunk driving accident worked at the nursing home.  He decides to investigate the accident.  This leads to more questions, and the discovery that the young DC is from the Intelligence Directorate.  What is the reason that she has been planted on him?

Another body is discovered down at the wharf, partially covered in gravel.  Is the death tied in to the others, or was it down to other reasons?  Later, the pathologist provides Horton with evidence that shows that the young victim of the drunk driving accident had actually been strangled.  Could she now come up with evidence on the other deaths?

Author Pauline Rowson throws several curves at the reader before bringing this murder mystery to its ultimate and surprising conclusion.  A very good read.

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