Monday, February 10, 2014

Some by Fire

A fire has claimed five lives in Leeds.  It appears to have been arson.  Returning to the site if the fire, Sergeant Charlie Priest makes acquaintance with the PC he stopped from entering the fire, Dave Sparkington.  This would be the beginning of the detective team that Charlie wanted to create.

Now a DI, Charlie is running his own investigative unit in Heckly, with Dave as part of it.  Their most recent case is a series of home invasions in the elderly.  While his team is working on the investigation, Charlie receives a request from a former MP to meet with him.  What he learns from the MP is both surprising and shocking and goes back to the fire.

Priest begins to work on the case with the national fraud squad, but is doing it basically on his own.  It means looking at old files, looking for missed leads.  As he and Dave start to pull the leads together, a better picture is drawn of who was responsible.

Author Stuart Pawson has written another good detective story and as usual he manages to throw in some amusing insights.  A thoroughly good read.

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