Sunday, February 23, 2014

Scorpion's Nest

Kit Marlowe is given the task of finding a conspirator of Mary, Queen of Scots by Nicholas Faunt, spymaster of  Walshingham who is secretary to Queen Elizabeth.  Marlowe takes on the persona of one of his rivals, Robert Greene when he goes to the English College in Rheims.  There his contact is unsure if whom they are looking for.

Marlowe's contact informs him of two recent deaths at the college.  One said to be an accident and the other a natural death.  However, the contact is sure things are not as they seem.  Marlowe surreptitiously checks the crypt and finds that one of the men had been hung.  Marlowe is sure that the second victim's death involved copious amounts of blood, primarily because the victim's room had been meticulously scrubbed clean.  His contact warns him that the college is a scorpion's nest.

Another scholar dies at the college, and Marlowe is sure he had been suffocated.  Shortly after that, Marlowe's subterfuge is discovered.  Fortunately he has a backup plan that will allow him to continue in his secret quest.

Meantime back in England, Walshingham and Burghly are moving ever closer to having Elizabeth sign the death warrant of Mary, Queen of Scots.

Marlowe's quest comes to a culmination when a whore, who was one of the victim's lover, tells Marlowe that she would recognise the killer again if she saw him.  Marlowe sets up a sting.

Author M. J. Trowe has presented the author with a nice Elizabethan thriller here.  Part murder mystery and part spy thriller.  A good read.

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