Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A Street Cat Named Bob

Author James Bowen was living a rough life in London when he happened upon a ginger cat in his living complex.  It was in rough shape, but he took it in anyways.  Because it hadn't been neutered, the young cat could get rambunctious.  As a result, Bowen named it Bob.

Bob and Bowen made an immediate connection.  The first thing to do was to get Bob healthy and then have him neutered.  Throughout these life changing events, the two of them grew closer.  In order to sustain himself, Bowen busks, usually in Covent Garden.  He was shocked one day when Bob decided to join him on his trip there.

Busking can be tough, but with Bob at his side, people were stopping to chat with the cat and more coins appeared in Bowen's guitar case.  Once, when a gang of youths attempted to harm the pair Bowen had to stand up to them.  Fortunately there was a CCTV camera pointed directly at them, so the gang left.  Another time, a big dog tried to take some of Bob's biscuits, and with a quick swat that surprised the dog, the dog's owner and Bowen, Bob defended the biscuits.  The dog and the dog's owner left in shame.

However, one day Bob got such a fright that he ran off.  Bowen was sure that he had lost the cat that he was in a panic.  Fortunately they were reunited after a lengthy run.  When Bowen is fitted up for a crime he didn't commit, he comes to the realisation that he can no longer rely on busking to support Bob and himself.  He now has to figure out what to do with his life.

When Bob becomes ill, Bowen becomes very frightened, but discovers that people care about Bob and random acts of kindness are valuable works.  Bob's illness also convinces Bowen that he needs to get himself completely clean.  James Bowen and Bob have more trials and tribulations to go through before Bowen is finally clean.

Bob and James' story is charming and touching.  It is a great read, especially for us cat lovers.  I am looking forward to more stories about Bob.

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