Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Blood on the Sand

DI Andy Horton, while on leave, is walking on the beach of the Isle of Wight when he comes across a young woman kneeling in front of a bunker.  She is in shock and there is a decomposing body inside the bunker.  She tells Horton that it is her brother.  After the local police come to get the body and take her away, she tells him that she is a psychic and that is how she knew where to find the body.

When Horton returns to his boat, he finds that it has been broken into and trashed.  Who and why come to mind; could it have been the victim's murderer?  Superintendent Uckfield decides to bring in the major crime unit.  Horton is sure that the young woman in question is in danger.  He rushes to her home, only to find her, lying face down on her bed.   Before he knows it, he is attacked and knocked out.  The house they are in is then set afire.

Further information discovered by the investigating team determines that the attacks could be related to deaths in the past.  They have a very determined killer on their hands.  When a third murder occurs, the police are unsure how it ties in, but at the same time are sure that it must.

Many knots are woven into the plot, including one in Superintendent Uckfield's back resulting in him being place on medical leave.  The local DCI is place in charge, much to Horton's chagrin.  Horton is also removed from the case, and he fears for the outcome.

Author Pauline Rowson has written another exciting novel that keeps the reader guessing right up until the final pages.  A very good read that you won't want to put down.

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