Thursday, March 13, 2014

The House at Sea's End

DS David Clough and DS Judy Johnson have been called out to The House at Sea's End because a group of archeologists have found bones.  Unfortunately they can not get to them now because of the incoming tide.  The next morning forensic archeologist Ruth Galloway begins her investigation of the bodies.

DCI Harry Nelson has returned from a holiday on the Canary Islands just in time to supervise the excavation, for it seems that the bodies are victims of murder.  The bodies are all male, and all have been shot; execution style.  Could they have been soldiers from one of the wars?  Ruth plans to run an isotope analysis on the bones.

The analysis shows that the men came from Germany.  Nelson is sure that the local home guard from the last war needs to answer some questions.  Not long after this a German academic visits Ruth.  He had received a letter from one of the home guard speaking of a great evil.  Could it have to do with a German invasion in World War II?

When Nelson checks up on the home guard men, two have recently died.  Although the causes seem to be natural, Nelson is suspicious.  Later, the German academic is found floating in the sea; he had been stabbed in the heart.  Nelson is convinced the case is related to a German invasion plan.  But how are the current murders and the invasion plan tied together?

Author Elly Griffiths ramps up the tension as the story nears its conclusion.  A very good, quick read.

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