Monday, March 31, 2014

Death in the Cotswolds

A cottage in the Cotswolds has been broken into, unbeknownst by the woman (who is the narrator of this novel) looking after it.  When the current owner, a policeman and his girlfriend show up, it is discovered by the three of them.  It seems as though a man has been secretly using the attic for Masonic purposes.

This has happened in October, and Ariadne, the pagan narrator is preparing for Samhain.  She goes to the Barrow at Notgrove to prepare in her mind the Samhain ceremony.  There she discovers the body of one of her female friends.  The body has been laid out as if in a sacrifice.

Although Detective Superintendent Phil Hollis, and his girlfriend Thea are on holiday, he is drafted into the investigation.  He is also forced to inform the local police about the use of his aunt's attic for Masonic purposes.

A few days later the body of another young woman is found at the Barrow in exactly the same position.  Ariadne is brought in for questioning because she knew both women.  Ariadne and Thea try to piece together who the murderer is with no more success than do the police.

Author Rebecca Tope presents a surprising reason for the murders in this murder mystery.  A good quick, light read.

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