Monday, March 10, 2014

I Remember You

Harry Devlin is acting on behalf of Finbar Gilfillan in his divorce proceedings.  The night before the court date, Finbar's tattooing establishment had been torched.  And just before the court began, Sinead, Finbar's wife dropped a bombshell, stating that she knew what happened to that girl, Eileen.  This leaves Harry wondering who Eileen is and what happened to her.

It isn't long after this that Finbar's car is bombed.  Fortunately for him, he is in bed at the time; with a woman who isn't his girlfriend.  Meantime, Harry's partner is involved in an automobile accident.  As a result, Harry has to handle a land transaction.  Not that he minds because the person he is dealing with is a beautiful woman.  However, Harry begins to wonder about the transaction.  Why are the woman and her husband in such a rush to sell.  When the prospective buyers are forced to back out on the deal, he wonders how his clients will take it.

Harry is shocked later to find out that Finbar has been killed, as a matter of fact run over several times.  At this point in time the only suspect is Finbar's ex-girlfriend. Harry sets out to investigate.  He discovers things he is not prepared for.

Author Martin Edwards has written an intriguing murder mystery with several twists to the plot.  A good, quick read.

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