Saturday, March 22, 2014

The End of the Wasp Season

DS Alex Morrow has just finished burying her aunt when she is called by her boss to attend a murder in Thorntonhall.  The body is that of a young woman.  She has been found at the bottom of a set of stairs, her face a bloody mess.  There are two sets of bloody shoe prints left at the scene.  Both are similar.

Another thing discovered in the house were thousands of euros.  They were not carefully hidden, nor were they taken by the murderers.  It turns out that the victim was a working girl.

As the investigation progresses, Morrow discovers that the victim is connected to a man who committed suicide at almost the same time.  Her team are also investigating the carer of the mother of the victim.  Morrow's superior is hell bent on charging the sons of the carer.  Morrow is not so sure that he is on the right track.  Her investigations lead her elsewhere.

Author Denise Mina has written a good murder mystery in "The End of the Wasp Season".  The reader follows both the police and the criminal throughout the story.  A very good read.

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