Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A Room Full of Bones

An archeological site has turned up a medieval coffin, containing what are thought to be the bones of Archbishop Augustine.  Forensic archeologist Ruth Galloway is going to be involved in the opening of the coffin.  However, when she arrives at the museum for the opening, she finds a body alongside the coffin.

DCI Harry Nelson is called upon to investigate.  The body is that of the museum's curator, and he had a cache of drugs in his desk along with some very threatening letters.  Which was the reason for his murder?

Ruth's friend, Cathbad, has recommended that a friend of his stay at the little cottage next to hers out on the Saltmarsh.  Bob is an Aborigine, and he wants the skulls held by the museum returned to Australia.  Unfortunately, Cathbad's fingerprints have been found at the site of the museum curator's death.

Meantime, Ruth has been asked by the museum's owner to examine some bones that are in storage.  She is also at the opening of the coffin, where she discovers that the skeleton inside is that of a woman!  There was also a curse place by the Bishop on anyone who disturbed the coffin.  Is the curse what led to the death of the owner of the museum the following night?   It isn't long after this that Nelson, who was also at the opening of the coffin becomes seriously ill.

Can Nelson survive this mysterious illness?  What does his illness mean to the ongoing drug investigation?  Tension mounts as the reader is brought to the brink of death.  Author Elly Griffiths has provided the reader with a surprisingly good read full of mystery and spiritualism.  It was hard to put down.

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