Sunday, April 13, 2014

Land of the Silver Dragon

Lassair's sister, Goda, and her mother-in-law have been attacked in their home.  The mother-in-law was brutally murdered while Goda was injured.  Lassair has set out to help her sister.  The following day Hrype brings news of another attack at a nearby nunnery.  Fortunately no one was killed this time.  The nunnery is where Lassair's other sister lives.  Is the attacker after the women in Lassair's family?

Recent graves are the next thing under attack.  Lassair comes to the realisation that the intruder is now looking for her grandmother's grave.  When an aunt of Lassair is killed, her father determines that she must go to Cambridge to be in the safety of Gurdyman's house and continue here studies.

However, Gurdyman's house isn't as secure as Lassair's father had hoped.  The killer has followed her to Cambridge, but fortunately Gurdyman's house has a secret crypt where the two hid during the intrusion of the killer.  With no further attacks over a couple of months, Lassair feels that it is safe for her to return home.  Unfortunately for her, on the way home, she is kidnapped.  Taken to a ship, she has no idea of its destination.

After several days at sea, Lassair finds herself in Iceland.  The question is, why Iceland?  There she learns that she had been kidnapped for her own protection.  Safely returned home, Lassair feels that she is safe, only to be captured again.  This time she is quickly released, but with a threat hovering over her.

There is a lot of turmoil and trouble awaiting Lassair in the latest novel by Alys Clare about the healer of the fens.  A good, quick read.

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