Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Close to the Bone

Inspector Logan McRae has been called out to a murder scene where the victim has had a tire placed over his head and then set alight.  This is known as a necklace.  Pathology shows that the victim was strangled and knifed in addition to being burned.

DNA points to who the victim is.  However, when Logan and DS Lorna Chalmers speak to the family they realise that a mistake has been made.  The DNA belongs to the killer.  They now have to find him.  They do find him in the hospital, about to have his fingers amputated.  He had left his DNA because he was trying to help the victim.

McRae has other cases on his plate, one being a pair of missing teens.  He has also had someone leaving chicken bones on his doorstep.  It turns out what he thought were chicken bones are actually human finger bones.  Who and why?

McRae's investigation into the missing teens points to the possibility that they could be tied to the necklace murder.  Another victim is found in a vacant house, staked down to the floor and tortured, blood everywhere.  DCI Steel insists the culprit must be found.  It isn't going to be easy.

Author Stuart MacBride has written an intense thriller full of suspense with a wee surprise thrown in at the end.  A thoroughly good read.

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