Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Yesterday's Papers

Lawyer Harry Devlin is approached on the steps of the court house by a man who wants to talk to him about a murder; one that occurred 30 years earlier.  The man is convinced that the wrong man was charged with the crime, and he knows that Devlin and his partner had purchased the law firm which defended the man.  He wants access to their papers.  The problem is, the man in question topped himself while in jail.

Devlin's interest is piqued.  He asks a reporter friend to check into some newspaper archives.   He also speaks to another lawyer, Kim Lawrence, about the case.  She has been involved in unjust cases in the past.  Devlin accesses the former lawyer's papers and feels that there is more to the case than what he has learned.

When the law office is broken into, Devlin wonders if they were after the file he has been researching.   When he finds the man who had informed him about the murder dead in his own home, Devlin has more questions arise in his mind.  Devlin meets with a woman who is able to provide an alibi for the supposed murderer.

The more he studies the case, the more Devlin comes to the realisation that he knows who the killer is.  However, some inopportune deaths leaves him confused.  How are they related to the case at hand?

Author Martin Edwards has written a mystery full of twists and turns, which at times leaves the reader confused as to who really is the killer in this whodunit.  A good read.

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