Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Death of a Wine Merchant

Lord Francis Powerscourt has been called upon to help with the defense of a man who is charged with murdering his brother, a wine merchant.  Prior to the reading of the will, Powerscourt learns that apparently half the victim's fortune seems to have disappeared.  Powerscourt engages his friend Johnny Fitzgerald to help him.  In addition, Powerscourt gets a wine expert to investigate the wines of the victim.

Unfortunately Powerscourt is unable to get the accused to speak.  The court case would begin in three weeks.  Is that enough time to find the evidence?  What about the new concept of fingerprints?  Would that help?  Powerscourt also learns from a former employee that money was disappearing from the accounts of the firm.  He had been fired when he reported it to the late merchant.

Powerscourt and his wife, Lucy, travel to France in order to further his investigation. There he comes across a surprising discovery.

Author David Dickinson provides the reader with a novel full of blackmail, conspiracy, subterfuge and a surprising end.  A thoroughly good read.

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