Thursday, July 3, 2014

Little Girl Lost

DS Lucy Black has been called out on a snowy night to search for a little lost girl who was reportedly seen by a milkman.  It turns out that the child she finds is not the one that was reported to be missing.  Who is the missing, but now found child? Her pyjamas have the name 'Alice' on them.  Black will have to wait until the sedation given to the child wears off.

Meantime the police are investigating the disappearance of 16 year old Kate McLaughlin, which Black wants to be involved with.  However, she is transferred to the Public Protection Unit, under Inspector Tom Fleming.  There, the forensics officer, PC Tony Clarke informs her that the child's pyjamas have blood on them.  He also discovers blood on her hands later when they are coated with luminal.

Because of Kate's age, PPU still has a connection to the case.  Black is later informed by Clarke that hairs containing DNA of Kate have been discovered on Alice!  A public announcement leads to the discovery of who Alice is, but now it appears that her mother is missing.  Fortunately Black discovers that the mother was away on holiday, having left her daughter with her estranged husband.  When they get to the father's home they find him dead, and evidence that Kate had been held in the house.

Author Brian McGilloway builds up tension in this thriller leading to a surprising conclusion.  All-in-all a very good, quick read.

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