Monday, July 21, 2014

Four Below

DI McLusky, and DS Austin have been called out to Leigh Woods because a woman has reported seeing a fox carrying part of a human head.  In the cold and mist the search team isn't having any luck when McLusky and Austin are called to an automobile accident.  There are several suspicious things related to the accident.

Meantime, DI Kat Fairfield has been called to a shopping centre where the body of a man has been found in the toilets.  The pathologist wants an immediate post-mortem, and his suspicions turn out correct.  The victim is a heroin addict, but his heroin has been laced with anthrax!  Other users are at risk, too.

A few days later, a body is found in a shallow grave in Leigh Woods.  It isn't long before the body is identified as someone from the drug world.  Is it a case of out with the old as a new gang tries to take over?  Also the MO of the murder is strange, indeed.  It isn't long before a second body is found in the woods.  The bodies of junkies are piling up for DI Fairfield, too.

Author Peter Helton neatly ties the two cases together and provides an exciting conclusion to this thriller.  This the second murder mystery I have read in the DI McLusky series, and I am looking forward to the next.

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