Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Just One Evil Act

DI Thomas Lynley has been called by his DS Barbara Havers, informing him that her friend's daughter has been taken his lover, and the mother of the child.  Because there is no legal marriage, there is nothing that the police can do.  Havers sets out to act as her friend's own private investigator.  Unfortunately her superintendent is not having that.

Havers hires a private detective by the name of  Dwayne Doughty.  Doughty has an unpresuming office.  However, unknown to his clients, he operates a very secretive operation.

Havers is shocked a few months later when the mother returns, accusing the father of abducting the child, who had been with her in Italy. Havers knows this is impossible because the mother had all the child's papers. Havers wants to go to Italy to help find the child.  Once again, her superintendent refuses.  However, when the story of the kidnapping hits the press, Havers gets a bollocking and Lynley is sent to Italy to intervene.

Chief Inspector Salvatore Bianco is in charge of the investigation in Lucca, Italy.  He learns, when he questions the parents that she had arranged with her sister for false emails to be sent to their daughter, purportedly from the father.  Bianco has a couple of suspects in mind, which he points out to Lynley.  He just has to figure out a connection.  Lynley and Bianco find out from the mother had another lover in London while living with the father of her daughter.

The child is found safe in Italy, but is that the end of the story?

Author Elizabeth George has provided the reader with a tangled  web, full of deception, confusion, subterfuge and a murder thrown in for good measure.  This is a read you won't want to put down.

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