Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Stationmaster's Farewell

The Exeter stationmaster has disappeared.  It is possible that the body in the Guy Fawkes bonfire is his.  Superintendent Tallis is sending Detective Inspector Colbeck and Sergeant Leeming to investigate.

Exeter's Superintendent Steel has a criminal in mind who might be in the picture for the murder of the victim.  Both Steel and Colbeck are castigated by the bishop for allowing this murder to happen so close to the cathedral.  At the inquest, Colbeck and Leeming feel that the new stationmaster is also worth looking into.  As Colbeck and Steel sift through the house of the victim, they are presented with a third suspect.

Having apprehended one of the suspects, Colbeck is unsure whether he is the true culprit.  He and Leeming maintain the pressure on the other two.  In a surprising turn of events the victim's diary turns up.  What hidden clues will it provide?

Author Edward Marston provides a surprising conclusion to this murder mystery.  A good, quick read.

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