Sunday, August 10, 2014

A Darker God

Chief Inspector Percy Montacute of Scotland Yard has just been seconded to Athens.  He is unsure just what for.  When he arrives there he finds he is to train the police.  While working in Athens, he runs into his former colonel from The Great War, Andrew Merriman.  Merriman asks him to take part in a play that he is putting on.  During dress rehearsal, Merriman is murdered.  Montacute requests the help of Letty Talbot who prompting the dress rehearsal to take down information from the assembled actors.

The police doctor indicates that Merriman had been stabbed in the heart prior to the rehearsal.  Several hours later, the wife of Merriman is pushed from the balcony of her home.  She is barely able to inform Montacute who is responsible before she succumbs to her injuries.  Montacute arrests her young cousin the following morning.

The following day, acting on an instinct, and information provided, Montacute sends his sergeant ant Letty on what appears to be a random trip.  An attempt is made on their lives, confirming Montacute's suspicions.  However, it still doesn't solve the mystery of who is behind the deaths.

Author Barbara Cleverly has a few surprises up her sleeve before she draws this murder mystery to a close.  A good read.

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