Sunday, August 31, 2014

Shooting Elvis

DI Charlie Priest, and DS Dave Sparkington have been called out to what appears to be a suicide by electrocution.  However, after studying the way the wires were wrapped around the thumbs of the victim, it appears that they have a murder on their hands.

As Priest's team delves further into the background of the victim, it is discovered that he was a convicted killer, who had served his time.  Only, it appears that the victim isn't the killer; the killer still is languishing in jail.  Was he killed simply because he resembled the jailed killer?

Sometime after this a small-time criminal is murdered.  Although the killing is in a different fashion, Priest wonders if the two are linked.  A psychiatrist is called in, and he is of the opinion that the two cases are linked.

Priest is thrown for a loop one evening when his girlfriend doesn't return from a run. The search team finds one of her shoes along the edge of her running route.  Fortunately she escapes from her attacker with only a few bruises.  Priest is taken off the case when his friend, a doctor, is brutally murdered, but for what reason?

Author Stuart Pawson maintains an electrically charged pace through the whole of this murder mystery;  this is a book that you will not want to put down.

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