Sunday, August 24, 2014

A Death to Record

DS Den Cooper has been called out to a dairy farm where a body has been found. Cooper is positive that the culprit is the man who stole his girlfriend, Lilah.  She becomes very antagonist towards Cooper as the boyfriend is taken in for questioning.

Cooper is surprised that nobody seems to have any sympathy for the victim.  Later it is discovered that the victim was involved in wanting to ensure that all badgers in the area be culled because it was thought that they were a source of TB for the cattle.

There seem to be quite a number of potential suspects that Cooper has to investigate, because there are so many people who had bad feelings towards the victim.  He had been a badger baiter and wasn't above antagonising others.

Author Rebecca Tope gives the reader a few surprising twists to the story before bringing  it to its ultimate conclusion.  A good read.

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